Modern Gold Soundwave

The AO Scan Mobile

A wellbeing centre

in the palm of your hand

The AO Scan is based on a US$38,000 desktop that practitioners used, and is now available to everyone for less than US$5 a day. Educate and empower with the amazing benefits of frequency on your healing journey.

It is safe to use, portable, easy to understand

Non invasive, and affordable

Can be used on anyone, including pets and horses, and objects.

The AO Scan mobile technology is a practitioner grade bio resonance software that enables you to run unlimited scans, optimise and balance the body in every scan, and create custom sound therapy based on imbalances found in your voice, imprint and broadcast frequencies and homeopathics and so much more.

Let’s raise the vibrational frequency of the world one person at a time

We are energy beings.

Every cell in our body vibrates with a frequency. The frequencies we are exposed to can either be healing or harmful. With the AO Scan technology we use the power of good frequencies to bring your body back into homeostasis.

It empowers you at the push of a button anywhere at any time

Imprint and broadcast frequencies

Create custom

sound frequencies, homeopathic and detoxes

Receive details reports and releases those trapped emotions and subconscious beliefs

Seed of Life Sacred Geometry Icon

AO Scan Features Overview

Ezy Scan

The EZ Scan technology is the most convenient and simplest way to perform Inner-Voice, Vitals Scan, Comprehensive Scan, and the associated optimizations all under 6 minutes. The EZ Scan report contains all 3 results in one.

Inner Voice

The Inner Voice technology uses a sound harmonizing technique that generates a balancing audio frequency derived from the voice spectrum of humans to diminish frequencies that are in excess and supplement frequencies that are lacking.

Comprehensive Scan

The Comprehensive Scan performs a detailed scan of the frequencies from over 130 organs, cells, bones, and chromosomes. The scan provides a graphical report displaying variances from blueprint homeostasis ranging from 1 to 9.

Quick Scan

The Quick Scan technology performs Morning, Midday, and Evening scans. This process uses a sound harmonizing technique that generates a balancing audio frequency, as well as colors and musical tones to assist in creating more balance.

Vital Scan

The Vitals Scan performs a scan of 550+ Blueprint Frequencies associated with bodily functions and performs the analysis (3 mins or less). It is a concise snapshot of blueprint frequencies being produced by the blood, organs, and systems of the body.

Body Systems Scan

The Body Systems scan performs a complete and thorough scan and optimization of hundreds of Blueprint Frequencies associated with 13 body systems. This scan complements the results provided in the Vitals and Comprehensive scan.


The Subtle Energy Frequency Imprinter (SEFI) technology is designed to capture, amplify, and imprint subtle energy frequencies, and can either broadcast or imprint those frequencies into any element or item.


Press play to see how quick and easy it is to run some of the features.






Frequently Asked Questions

Speak bubble balloon message rounded corners square shape

How long does a scan take?

You can scan and optimise in less than 5 minutes

Speak bubble balloon message rounded corners square shape

Do you have

monthly subscriptions?

Yes, you pay US$149 a month subscription to use on any mobile phone, computer, or tablet.

How many scans can I do?

You can scan an unlimited amount of people

I can’t wait to share this technology with you. Join me in changing your health and wealth. When you join your receive access to a private support group and mentoring. There’s also regular business building and education from the team behind the technology.

Anne Barratt

Empowering Health

Choose to be a PC or QLA

Preferred Customer or Quantum Living Advocate

Preferred Customer

  • Discount on all products vs RRP
  • Monthly subscription to the technology
  • Cancel or pause at any time.

Quantum Living Advocate

  • +$49 yearly to turn your passion into a remote or home-based business with expert coaching and guidance
  • Sign up only 3 others, and your subscription is covered by the points you earn.
  • Discount on all products vs RRP
  • Monthly subscription to the technology
  • Cancel or pause at any time.


Only available when you join with your subscription • *Prices are in US dollars

Option 1


Option 2


Option 3


Option 4


Subscription US$149 a month


Create a business +US$49 annually

Starter bundle of products US$330-$550 once off

Join our mission to raise the vibration of the world

to change the face of wellness

to empower people to take back control of their health and wellbeing


“I used to be very compulsive with my habits and behaviour around bad food. All that is shifting now and I’m so grateful.”

What users of the AO Scan are reporting

“I just wanted to thank you for putting yourself out there and doing these detox sessions. This is the first time I’ve tried one and for the first time since I can remember I am having regular bowel movements.”

More energy

Better emotional balance

Improved mental clarity

Reduced weight

Less pain

Better sleep

Improved digestion



Less anxiety

“Without changing anything else in my life, I lost 3 kilo’s of weight after taking part in a 21-day frequency program.

‘My digestion is on track, no acid reflux. Heartburn is gone it was becoming a major concern for me plus I was showing indications of liver gallbladder dysfunction being indicated through my bowel.”

“I have more energy, and my joints don’t hurt as bad. My creative juices are flowing because tonight I made delicious soup just from the thoughts in my head. It’s been a while since I wanted to create something from scratch.”

DISCLAIMER: AO Scan Technology is not a medical device. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA or TGA. This product, or any of Solex; LLC products and supplements are not intended to diagnose, treat, or mitigate any disease.

If you are sick please consult with your health care provider or physician.

Light blue frequency waves on a black background

AO Scan Technology is not a medical device. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA or TGA. This product, or any of Solex LLC products and supplements are not intended to diagnose, treat, or mitigate any disease.

If you are sick please consult with your health care provider or physician.

Important to note - Disclaimer

Message: +61 0491 154 594


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